Update #9: New Stuff!

Okay, so this update is important. Not because It’s about me, but its about the state of this blog. (In a good way.)
Okay, I’ve revamped the menus to include the links to the other places you can find me, they’re in order of the places you’re most likely to find me active. (I’m always active on facebook, not so much on deviantart or twitter.
I’m looking into setting up a background that is fixed to the screen for somewhat of a light at the end of the tunnel effect from the top left of the screen. If anyone knows anything about how to make the areas with text have a transparent background let me know.
For those of you who don’t know, on October 15th 2012, I challenged myself to write a poem everyday for 365 Days. So far It’s going well, I’m only on day 5 though. I hope it goes well. I’ll be using Pzycoderz Daily Challenge as a method to ensure that I have a topic every day. Wish me luck!
I am still learning HTML and CSS. It is a slow process as I do it when I’m not writing, or working…which is a rare time indeed. I’m using my blog as a testing ground for what I can with CSS and I am creating an online portfolio using HTML/CSS that will be hosted somewhere when it is completed.
I’ve included some links at the bottom of this post for people that you should definitely check out as well as where you can find me on various social media outlets. I’ve also included a link to the place where I’ve been learning about different poetic forms. I’ll be linking all of the poetic forms on the Daily Poetry page to their descriptions of them.
Pzycoderz Daily Challenge
Daily Poetry – This is where I’ll be keeping track of each days poem. It is in a fancy table and was part of me re-learning HTML and CSS.
Shadow Poetry-

Poetry Foundation – Learning Lab
– Great place if you’re just getting into writing, or back into writing like me. Or if you just want to expand your knowledge about literature.
Pete Armetta <– Amazing writer, in all respects. Incredibly supportive.
Find me in places:
P.S.: I wrote a 3 octive Ottava Rima poem last night…I’m a bit hesitant to post it as I don’t much care for it, but if people want to see it I may just post it anyway :/