Changes Are Coming

Changes are coming ladies and gentlemen.

I’ve decided that I’m going to try and publish some of my writing. So I’ve created profiles on various platforms to spread my work around. You can see all of these links on the sidebar.

The buttons were all made by a very generous and helpful friend of mine who wishes to be called MSS.


You’ll notice a soundcloud link in there. Yep, that means what you think it means. I’ve started recording some of my work. The first one I recorded was It Will Not Scar My Heart. Since then I’ve also found some music that I can use as backgrounds in future recordings, and I’ve learned how to improve the quality of my recordings. You can look forward to many more of those as well.

I’ve also updated my creative commons license for reasons that will be revealed in time. The image for that was also created by MSS.

Creative Commons Licence

On that note, know that I have been writing more. I have a lot of half-done pieces that will hopefully be finished and posted soon. As always, I welcome any and all criticism on any of my work, I don’t make a habit of denying any comments (aside from spam that is).

So please, leave me any comments on any of my work. I welcome them all. And and look forward to more posts in the near future. I’ll see you all soon.

Alexander J. Hicks

Walk With The Dreamers

I want to walk among the dreamers
Where the grass is always greener
With my head up in the clouds
And my feet still on the ground

I want to talk with all the wisdom
Taught to us by the system
By the planners, teachers, mentors
Like no one ever before.

I want to rest with all the cheerful
With no need of being fearful
Of the steps that I must take
So I can, my future, make.

I will not walk amongst the shadows
To never see the face of battle
For the will that I have in me
Is of a one man army.

And I will not bow down
I will not face the ground
I will not be a stepping stool
to be used by another fool

Because I will walk among the dreamers
Where the grass is always greener
With my head up in the clouds
And my feet still on the ground.

©2013 Alex Hicks

Write with me!

I want to write poems with my followers!

I’ve created a new page in the menu titled “Write With Me!”

I encourage you to click on that and follow the instructions provided within for submissions, and we can write a poem together!

June 10th, 2013: I Want it All (Update!)

Hi everybody! First, let me say, WOW!. 282 Followers. More than I thought I’d ever have.
Of course, 50 was more than I thought I’d ever have.
Thank you to everyone who follows me and comments and reblogs and shares my work around the interwebs. It means so much to me that people want to read what I write. I could not thank you all enough 🙂
Last week, Time became the most liked poem I’ve posted at 49 likes as of 10/06/2013 at 7:45am ADT. Thanks so much guys and gals!
On to the update!
Some big changes are ahead for me in the coming months. Not so much on this blog, aside from hoping to be able to write more, but in real life.
I’ve been going to a psychologist for the past few months and after our very last session on friday, I came to the sudden realization that if I want to do what I dream of doing in my life, I need to get off my ass and start doing something and not just talk about it; so I’m doing something about it.
In a couple days I’m going to get my beginners drivers license and book my road test. I’m looking for a One-Bedroom or Bachelor Apartment not far from work as to give me quite a bit more free time, as well as looking into some dating websites because I think I’m finally ready to be in a relationship again. I’ve also been looking at getting a new car; but that all hinges on me getting my license. I’ve already failed the road test once so I should be able to ace it this time right?
Anyway, that’s it for this update, I’ll post a couple poems in a bit, and I’ll give you guys another update next monday!
-Alex H.

An Update!

So, I took a week off from everything last week (except work). In order to organize and play with my thoughts. Sorry I didn’t tell you :/

But the good news is, I’m back. With renewed inspiration and motivation, with insight, patience and dedication. Or at least I hope so lol.

My psychologist has me keeping a worry journal, to help me track the sources of my worry and deal with my anxiety. It isn’t something that I’m likely to post here, but it is helping me deal with my worry a lot.

I would also like to point out how important having friends is to me right now and should have been my entire life. My whole life I thought people only wanted to be my friends because I was useful to them or because I had something they wanted. I realize now, that I was wrong. My friends are my friends because of the personality traits that I possess that we share, or that they find attractive in me; the same reason that I desire to be friends with them. Friends who are only friends with you because they want something from you are not very good friends at all. I should have realized this a long time ago and it is probably the reason why I have lost so many friends throughout my life.

So, while I am incredibly grateful to all 245 of my followers for being there for me and reading my work and making this blog what it is today; there are two people who I feel deserve special mention. These three people who have hard times of their own, yet still find a way to cheer me up through writing duets, and even just writing daily reflections for me to read that make me think, are easily the closest friends I have ever made through the means of the internet. They are Hastywords, Jen at Think.Speak.Tryst. and Shruti at A Shade of Pen.Thank you to everyone, but a very special thanks goes to these people for being incredible people in my life.

Thank you
-Alex H.




Hurray! I hit 200 followers!
I’ll keep this brief because I know no one wants to read a wall of text.
I started this blog back in august as a way to show my poetry to my friends. In practically no time at all, people who I’d never met started reading my blog.
Over the past several months I picked up writing again, and gained an audience of over 200 followers on wordpress alone!


I’ve even made new friends through wordpress!
I have to thank all of you for following, reading, and providing feedback on my writing. Without all of you I probably wouldn’t be writing still today.
Thank you to everyone, and here’s to many more!

Into Dawn

A Name Change and a new Layout!

When I started this blog, I was going through some pretty heavy anxiety issues. (I still am.) I suffer from major social anxiety, in that, if it requires a face-to-face conversation I get anxious to the point of losing my appetite and sometimes even feeling sick.
Things were rough there for a while, but now I’m seeing a Psychologist who is helping me deal with my anxiety problems, so things are looking better. Which is why I decided to change the name of my blog!

From the darkness
We were born
Our hearts to bear
the scars we’ve worn.
But in dark times
One can be sure
To trust in those
With hearts so pure
So as to never
Accept defeat
To stand and fight
Never retreat
I stand with the sun
As we wake the lark
But where does one go
Upon leaving the dark?
©2013 Alex Hicks

New Things! (Update: 02/04/2013)

What’s up everyone! I’ve got a new update for you! Things are changing! Life is moving forward!

So, work has been picking up a lot recently and I’ve been trying to get out of the house more and spend more time in social situations as per my psychologists recommendation and thus I haven’t had a lot of time to write. That is why for now I am required to cut back on my writing to 3 poems a week. Sorry 😦
Depending on how things go over the next few months, I may resume writing every day, but we shall see.

March First, 2013 ~ An Update

Well people, it’s march first. We’re officially beginning the 3rd month of 365 Days of poetry. The first 2 months have been considered a success. I’ve been a bit behind on a few weekends with posting my writing, but I have been writing every day. By the end of this month you’ll be able to get both January and February as free e-books (PDF books of course). If I can figure out how to make actual e-reader files, I may do that too. Once the year is finished I will look into publishing the entire collection of 365 poems in one book and actually getting it published.
The e-book files will have different images from what is displayed on my site. If you’re an artist and feel like doing something for one of my poems, let me know via e-mail ( or comment on this post with information. All images used in the e-book will be cited below each image, in order to avoid copyright issues. Each e-book will also include a number of poems that were not posted on my blog. Just as an incentive for you all to download it!
I think that’s all I wanted to tell you…I think…
Oh! and if you’re really lucky, there may be a bedtime story in there too…lol.
Thanks for reading this boring post! Caio!
-Alex H.

Sorry! :(

Sorry I haven’t posted my writing in a few days. I’ve been under the influence of the influenza virus. Meaning that I’ve been sleeping and resting and writing in my bed. I’ve only been on the computer long enough to turn on a DVD or TV show to watch while I rest lol.

In any case, all the poems I’ve written over the past 4 days will be going up today hopefully.

Sorry 😦