(31/01/2013) Heart of Stone

Heart of Stone
My heart has been damaged
Alone for far too long
My spirit torn and famished
I may be too far gone.
I know I need some guidance
To right my crooked path
But my heart screams defiance
When I look into the past.
The shell I have created
To guard my beating heart
Makes me keep retreating
But it can come apart.
For now I keep it strong
Waiting for the day
When someone comes along
To take the stone away.
©2013 Alex Hicks

Just so everyone knows. I think I’m going to be okay…I just need to find someone I can trust; who won’t run away when they see the real me. This me. The poet side of me. Once I meet that person, I’m sure my poetry will probably improve in mood drastically. -Alex H.

(30/01/2013) My Armor

I am but a shadow
Of what I used to be
I really cannot blame them
When the one at fault is me.
Because I made the mistake
Of letting my armor down
Of letting my defenses fall
Whenever you’re around.
But I’m done letting my armor fall
I’m done letting people in
It clearer now now that I know
It’s the only way to win.
I want to get ahead in life
But I can’t do it on my own
But betrayals made me realize
I really am alone.
But do not give me sympathy
I’m used to building walls
The hardest thing for me to do
Is to watch all of mine fall.
©2013 Alex Hicks

(29/01/2013) Lost Again

I think I may be stepping back into depression. I spent the last few weeks letting my anger guide my decisions and now I can’t be angry anymore. I thought I was angry at a specific person (I won’t name who) for a time, then I decided I was angry at myself. Then I realized I wasn’t angry at anything specific; I was just angry.
That’s the worst kind of anger. The anger that has no direction, no target, no meaning; but is always there, looming over you like a gargoyle. Now, I feel like I have no direction. I’ve spent so long letting my anger blind me, that now that I can see again, the sun is far too bright.
I wrote a poem last night before I fell asleep. That’s why i didn’t post it yesterday. I’ve decided to hold off on videoes until I can figure out what I’m doing. I’ll still be doing audio recordings though. I’ll be putting them up on weekends.

(29/01/2013) Lost Again


I think I’m lost again
I don’t know where to go
All these years of planning
And I’ve hit a plateau.
Maybe I’m just out of place
The city’s not for me
I just feel I don’t belong
And it took 12 years to see.
It’s time I leave for good
Never to return
I’ll walk the road away from here
And I’ve got one last bridge to burn.
©2013 Alex Hicks

(28/01/2013) The Thing About Death

There’s something about death
That strikes us down with fear
But at the same time
Intregues us greatly
There is this sense
Or desire
To learn what we don’t know
And when we can’t learn
We start lying
We start telling stories
To make us comfortable
In our lack
Of difinitive knowledge
We fear
That which we don’t understand
The unknown.
So we lie.
That’s the thing about the dead
They have nothing to fear
So if you were to ask them a question
They would have no reason to tell the truth.
So if we could ask the dead
What happens when we die
We would
And the entire world would change
But we can’t
Because the dead can’t speak
And if they could
All you would hear is lies
©2013 Alex Hicks

(27/01/2013) Passion

Passion creates, with hearts agape,
A feeling of remorse
But when the hearts, true passions starts
It’s beyond control of course.
It can be said, that while it’s fed
The heart will take its toll
For you cannot, cause it to stop
Once it is on a roll.
Despite your will, your heart beats still
And it will never cease
When it rains, you feel the pain
That passion also greets.
You can feel hurt, it won’t get worse
If you let passion drive
Ignore its ploys, and feed the joys
And let your passion thrive.
©2013 Alex Hicks

Update! January 28th, 2013

Every Monday starting today, I will be doing a video highlighting my favourite poems (written by the people I follow) from the previous week as well as reading the most popular of the poems that I had posted through the previous week. The poems will be selected from my reader and in the information below the video I will give you all links to the poems pages. I won’t be reading them out loud, but I will be mentioning them.

I will be recording the reading of one of my poems just as audio, which will then be followed directly by the video update. The video update will also give you little updates about what I’m doing outside of writing, and give you all a little bit of insight into the everyday happenings of my life.

The first one will be going up tonight after I get home from work so look forward to it!

-Alex H.

Also, if anyone knows where I can get a physical copy of any of Robert Frost’s books, please let me know.

Edit: January 29th, 2013

Okay so I thought I had my recording equipment set up properly, but apparently I didn’t. I got the reading recorded, so I’ll record the video tonight (Tuesday) and post it either later tonight, or tomorrow morning.

(26/01/2013) Checkmate

Sorry I’m late with this lol I wrote this on saturday morning, then spent the day watching movies and hanging out with a friend I hadn’t seen in a while. No excuses, I got lazy lol. -Alex H.

Life is like a game of chess
And with each and every move
You have a chance to win the game
and you have a chance to lose.
For everyone who will take part
Those who play the game
Rich or poor or sick or well
Their pieces are the same.
Your opponent isn’t life
Nor is it time or wealth
The sad truth of this game is
you’re playing against yourself.
©2013 Alex Hicks

Liebster Award!

Well, I can honestly say that I am in shock. Wordcoaster has nominated me for a Liebster Award! So whilst I am in shock, I am also honored.
Liebster Award
Leibster is German & means ‘dearest’ or ‘beloved’ but it can also mean ‘favorite’ & the idea of the Leibster award is to bring attention to blogs with less than 200 followers and I decided that I should definitely write a post about it & pass the award on to 5 or more bloggers.

The Rules are as follows:

  1. Show your thanks to the blogger who gave you the award by linking back to them.
  2. Reveal your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
  3. Post the award on your blog.
  4. Bask in the love from the most supportive people on the blogosphere – other bloggers.
  5. And, best of all – have fun and spread the karma!

So thank you Wordcoaster for the nomination! It is both a privilege and an honor to be nominated by you!
As it is now my duty to nominate 5 other bloggers for this award, I have selected five blogs that deserve far more love than they are getting:

  1. Think. Speak. Tryst
  2. “i am not yours”
  3. Sahedgewitch
  4. A Prayer Like Gravity
  5. Sonnets and Dragonflies

All of the above people are exceptional poets as well as bloggers and they all deserve so much more love from everyone. Be sure to follow them all if you aren’t already!
I have to give special mention to Jen over at Think. Speak. Tryst because ever since she started following me just over a week ago, she has commented on everything I have posted and has been incredibly supportive. Her writing style is very similar to mine so if you like my writing I guarantee you will like her writing as well. Be sure to check out her blog, and follow her if you aren’t already.
Again, thank you Wordcoaster for the nomination! and keep writing everyone!
-Alex J. Hicks
P.S.: Be sure to also check out Our Humble Opinions. I write weekly articles for them about all kinds of stuff from creative writing to psychology. (Yeah, shameless self plug)
P.P.S.: This is my 250th post!
P.P.P.S.: I didn’t think this was going to look like a letter, but apparently it will. Oh well!

(25/01/2013) Two Wolves

two wolves
Inside of us
Two forces fight
One of them evil
One of them light.
Wolves some would say
A territoral duel
To decide who will die
And decide who will rule.
Anger and greed
Feed the dark beast
Ego and lies
A kings royal feast.
Peace, joy and kindness
Give strength to the other
Humility stands
In the eye of the lover.
But which animal wins
Sits heavy on you
So as you grow old
What will you do?
The decicion lies in
The emotions you bleed
Because the wolf that will win
Is the one that you feed.
©2013 Alex Hicks

I changed the image because I found a better one. I’ve included a link to the old one here.