A Duet – Beyond the Truth

This is written by myself and Hastywords I’ve done a lot of writing with her in the past and she remains to be an amazing poet and friend. Go check out her blog!

How do I overcome
This pain of a broken heart
How do I fix myself
I don’t know where to start
I feel overwhelmed
Disabled inside this emptiness
You left me hollow and numb
Inside a suffocating loneliness
Do I embrace the dark surrounding me?
Let it comfort me with its touch.
Or do I build my walls and shut it out?
Like the pain that hurts so much.
They say breathing is all it takes
To survive this painful dark
Lungs on fire, fighting my will
Oxygen struggling to leave its mark
So long bound by chains of passion
Only to be freed and bound again
By this pain of isolation
By the pains I hold within
I will sit alone in this dark
Become accustomed to its silence
Then perhaps someday
I’ll peer beyond its shadows
To the place where stars shone bright as suns
Where the sunlight filled my eyes
In my world where everything was right
beyond the truth and lies.
©2014 Alex Hicks and Hastywords

Deadly Tongue

Yet another duet with Hastywords. You should be following her by now, but if you’re not, you should be. Go to it!

Words ignite like dangerous fireworks
A spreading detonation of sparks
A dramatic uncontrolled display
Threatening mischief before leaping into the sky
Each letter bringing forth colors
Like a painting on a canvas
Swirls of reds, yellows, greens and blues
Painted by a delicate hand
Beautiful from a distance
But filled with dangerous emotion
Reactions catapult through each set of words
Triggers set like trip wires waiting to explode
The tip of my pen will fly
Like a bullet on the page
Writing my emotions and my thoughts
A massacre of words.
A deadly tool if used with malice
Daggers would prove less painful
Inciting hatred, anger, and violence
These words are best saved than laid
The one thing that remains in this world
That remains mightier than the sword
Stronger than a bullet, missiles can’t compare
The words that are spoken, or scattered on the page.
©2013 Alex Hicks and Hastywords

(09/02/2013) Ritual Prey duet with Hastywords

I’m posting tomorrow’s poem early, as today is my Fathers birthday, and tomorrow we’re celebrating so I probably won’t have a chance to write.
Another Duet with Hastywords. She is an amazing writer and poet so be sure to check out her blog and follow if you haven’t already!

The hunger comes after the craving
Bloodlust tempting, feels amazing
Cries of joy erupt from the pack
The time has come for the final feeding
     Crimson blood spilling forth
     The pain immense for all it’s worth
     The full moon above lights the ground
     The chill of death hangs all around
In a ritualistic dance we give in
To every desire built within
Insatiable growls heard all around
Drowning out their piercing fear
     We ran long, but they hunted longer
     Fearing their insatiable hunger
     Fearing the bloodlust, the howling pack
     Fearing our death, their bloody desire.
The chase could have been shorter
But as the screams rang into the night
Our passions increased, desire bursting
The most gruesomely delicious foreplay
     They could have had us any moment
     They were playing with our lives
     They know we couldn’t escape them
     It was only a matter of time.
Reaching the end of all restraint
We pounced upon their frailty
We took from them our sustenance
Leaving only scrapes for the earth to consume
     They were on us in an instant
     As muscle was torn from bone
     The last thing I remember
     Was thinking “Finally, I’m home.”
©2013 Alex Hicks and Hastywords

(01/02/2013) Resurrected Spirit – a duet with Hastywords

Another duet with Hastywords! Check out her blog and be sure to follow her if you haven’t done so already.

The early morning fog was thick
The clouds had turned to grey
The storm ahead was coming fast
I wondered if to stay.
Could I once again endure
The relenting turmoil it would bring
Or could I remain steadfast
And seek safety here at last
The clouds are dark and looming
Precursor to the storm
The wind picks up and whips at me
As rain begins to pour
I brace myself for what’s to come
This tornadic dance I do so well
The lightning begins to flash
A sky plastering kisses on my skin
Each flash brings to me visions
Of all the mistakes I’ve made
I think of how I’ll cope with them
Once this torrent fades
More ominous than before
Clouds like billowing smoke
Render me sightless and afraid
Of troubles hidden in this sea
But while my worries may run deeper
Than the Mariana trench
I know I will emerge unscathed
And stronger than before
Gathering all my strength
To withstand the painful winds
And with a resurrected spirit
I will dance throughout this storm
©2013 Alex Hicks and Hastywords

“Mountain of Sorrows” a Duet with Hastywords

Another duet with Hastywords! Writing with her is so much fun! Be sure to check her out and follow her blog if you haven’t already.

Mountain of Sorrows
The rocks were sharp
Bruising the soles of my feet
The walk was long
And the path was steep
I felt lost
Abandoned hope
As I tried to climb
That rocky slope.
On my own I struggle
Ascending higher
Looking for wisdom
Pieces of knowledge to acquire
I reached a cliff face
Jagged and worn
I gazed at the top
My confidence scorned
Motivation diminished
I sat to rest awhile
Contemplating the direction
My confusion wrapped in denial
To find another path
Would be to admit defeat
With a swig from my canteen
I returned to my feet.
The sun rose to light my way
The air full of singing sparrows
A smile met my lips and I knew
Here is where I’ve left my sorrows
©2013 Alex Hicks and Hastywords

(23/01/2013) Island Clouds – A duet with Hastywords

I wrote a duet with Hastywords. An incredibly inspiring poet, check her page out, and be sure to follow her as well if you haven’t already. You can also expect to see more of these in the future. 😀

The ground fell away
Leaving my feet planted in sky
I look for familiarity
In all the boundaries I pass by
Clouds drift by like islands
And I cannot but stare
while I walk this vast expanse
This endless sea of air.
I close my eyes as the breezy sea
Wraps itself tightly around me
Silken blankets of wispy space
All calling my spirit to let go, be free.
Unnatural beauty, a rarity
But it is what I’ve found
So I’ll keep drifting, floating on
Out of sight of ground.
Not exactly aimless
But free to just be
A part of something
So much bigger than me.
As I walk these skies alone
I know that I’ve found peace
But I have not found harmony
In it’s purest form at least.
The air thins a I continue rising
Higher and higher into the atmosphere
Momentum builds, anticipation soars
As I begin releasing all my fear.
Will my conscience guide me
Or will it lose it’s way
Must I go away from here
Or can I choose to stay.
I close my eyes, worries gone
I drift silent on cottony wisps
No longer tied to worldly thoughts
I make my home in a sky of whispers.
Could it possibly be
Is this what life’s about
How did I live so long before
When I have gone without.
Filled with everlasting peace
A joy so immense, so boisterous, so intense
This floating castle in the sky
Is the place I will forever feel the most content.
©2013 Alex Hicks and Hastywords