
Asleep is my favourite place to be.
It’s peaceful, almost happy
Because I’m not alone there.
It’s arriving and leaving
that poses a challenge.
When I lay down to sleep
I whisper “goodnight” to my window
And I hope that someone hears.
And when the sun peeks from beyond the water’s edge
I whisper “goodmorning” to my window
And I hope that someone hears.
And yet, I hear nothing.
A wisp of sadness leaves my lungs
on the wings of a sigh.
and my legs surrender to the weight of my words
and I fall back onto my bed.
15 more minutes…then I’ll try again.
©2015 Alex Hicks

Write with me!

I want to write poems with my followers!

I’ve created a new page in the menu titled “Write With Me!”

I encourage you to click on that and follow the instructions provided within for submissions, and we can write a poem together!

Lead The Charge

I put myself there.
I dug my own grave
I was ready to give up
I was ready to quit
To stop trying.
I had built walls around myself
And everytime I said I would tear them down
I just built them thicker
A different kind of self harm
A different kind of suicide.
But I stopped.
Someone reached out to me
To pull me from my dark place
And into the light I had glimpsed.
I didn’t give up
I didn’t quit
And unbeknownst to me
I had more friends than I thought.
Friends I didn’t even know about
Watching unseen from the sidelines of my life
Concerned with where I was going
But unable to really help.
And now, I can see all of them
I no longer have friends on the sidelines
I can now see them
Fighting with me
Fighting their own demons as well as mine
Just as I am fighting theirs.
I’ve joined the fray
I’ve drawn my blade
I’ll lead the charge
I’ll clear the way.
My shield a bastion
My sword will strike true
Let enemies approach me
I will push through.
My steed carries foreward
The head of the charge
I will face any problems
No matter how large
The blood of my foes
Will paint the ground red
Until all of my demons
Have ended up dead.
I will fight for my morals
I will fight with the best
Until the day comes
That I draw my last breath.
©2013 Alex Hicks

(02/03/2013) Let The Darkness Win

I once had build walls ’round my heart
To protect it from the pain
But all that it served to do
Is let it hit me like a train.
I then tore down the walls
Because I thought I found a friend
But from that person, not as she seemed
I can no longer defend.
My heart is sore
My throat is dry
I can’t see the light
Through this darkened sky.
I’m rebuilding my walls
Not letting anyone in
And tonight may be the night
That I let the darkness win.
©2013 Alex Hicks

(30/01/2013) My Armor

I am but a shadow
Of what I used to be
I really cannot blame them
When the one at fault is me.
Because I made the mistake
Of letting my armor down
Of letting my defenses fall
Whenever you’re around.
But I’m done letting my armor fall
I’m done letting people in
It clearer now now that I know
It’s the only way to win.
I want to get ahead in life
But I can’t do it on my own
But betrayals made me realize
I really am alone.
But do not give me sympathy
I’m used to building walls
The hardest thing for me to do
Is to watch all of mine fall.
©2013 Alex Hicks


Just a quick update, pretty busy here at work this week. Friday is my last day before my christmas holidays and during that time I’ll be getting my 365 Days of Poetry page caught up.

I have been writing every day, I’ve just been hard pressed to find the time to post everything. LOL.

I’ll be posting a christmas poem when I get home from work, look foreward to it!

Also, I’ve won a Bloggie’s Award! I’m super excited! Words cannot express how awesome this feels lol.

Anywho, back to work. Ta ta for now!

-Alex H.

Update #12: All of the Things.

I’m thinking of adding another category on here which would be for the long paragraphs that I write which contain the essence of my inspiration. Things like this and this. However, I’m not going to make a category for it if no one wants to read it. So, of the 52 followers…holy crap…52 followers!? *ahem* one moment I’ll finish what I was saying. So, of the 52 followers I have here and other followers on Facebook (some are the same I know.) I really need comments on this post telling me whether or not you would read that kind of thing. It would contain things like the two that I have already written plus other random high-school-length essay thoughts I may have related to anything in my life. Please! Let me know in the comments.

On that note, I take you back to the thought that interrupted the previous paragraph. 52 followers! just on WordPress! ahhhhhhhhhhhh I can’t believe how successful this blog is. (I know it’s not successful compared to other blogs, but its successful for me.)

Most people don’t realize how difficult it was for me to start this blog. You see I am hyper-critical about everything I do. (Carving a pumpkin last night was stressful for me because I’m no good at it. You’ll get a photo later today about that.) It shouldn’t have been but it was. I am working on that issue slowly. So for me to take my writing and post it for the world to look at whenever they want was a big contributor to my stressful mind. I’m quickly outrunning my fear of sharing my writing though which is nice. I wouldn’t have been able to do it if it were not for all of the people who read every poem that I post. Thank you all very much.

In other news, recording is starting tonight I believe. I think I’ve gotten everything sorted out, I just don’t know which poem to read first. I’m thinking either The Monster in Me or Sky Colors. Let me know what you think.

Also, I’m going to join the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia (WFNS) on Thursday. $45.00CDN per year for membership and it gives me access to many resources and access to office/studio space. Plus, discounted rates for WFNS workshops and events. Hopefully it turns out to be worth the money.

Okay, that’s it for now, You’ll probably see a couple more acrostic poems today, as mentioned in the post Inspiration, I’m feeling very “acrostic” today.

Alex H.

A Request

So this is a simple request. I need 5 people who like poetry. Who are willing to read/proofread 10 poems and give me honest opinions and feedback on it while keeping the poem a complete secret.

If you’re interested, please let me know. I have no incentive for anyone to do this, and if I don’t get any volunteers I’ll just be giving to my friends to read, but it would be nice to have people giving me feedback who won’t be too concerned about making me feel bad.

If you’re interested, you can leave a comment here or you can e-mail me at:

-Alex H.


I am unbreakable
My courage mistakable
For walls I build up around.
The walls I construct
Are surely corrupt
In providing the sorrow surrounds.
Built like a crypt
I shall, brick-by-brick
Tear the stone walls away.
And into the night
With all of my might
Blindly I’ll charge to the fray.
So with my last breath
I’ll stare down on death
With a smile and glint in my eye,
For I am a question
A strong standing bastion
And I know that I can not cry.
For I am a bastion
and in such fashion
I will not bend at the knee
To a king that I know
Who will never show
The qualities of one who is free.
So sorrow and pain
With much disdain
I must leave you out in the cold
For with you around
I’m sure you’ll have found
You would never have grown very old.
And despite my beef
With joy and relief
I will offer them a hot cup of tea.
And soon I will learn
That the pain and the burn
Can be turned into daring and glee.
But I will not forget,
The walls I regret,
Through silence or even the sound.
For I am unbreakable
My courage mistakable
Of the walls I once built up around.
-©2012 Alex Hicks